Monday, January 21, 2008

I forgot to pee

Well, I didn't actually forget to pee...I just forgot to PIAC for my test...damn. Oh well, I'm only 9dpiui so it's not like I didn't know what I was going to see, err uh not see, this morning =P I will definitely test doubts about it. Although I will say that if I *am* pregnant this time around my chart isn't showing it as clearly as it did last time. Yeah, yeah I know you don't HAVE to have a second shift to get a BFP, it was just nice to see ;-)


Birdee said...

I've got my fingers and Toes Crossed for you hun, I think I want you to get a BPF as bad as you do.

Sorry, Had to do that.

HereWeGoAJen said...

Oh, how frustrating! It is still a little early though, so not too bad. Good luck tomorrow! My fingers are crossed for you.

Kelly said...

I think Jen started the bfp train so you better jump on it! Lots and lots of ~~babydust & bfp~~ vibes sent your way!!!

Dr. Grumbles said...

That title should lead to some interesting Google hits :)

Hope you get to see two lines when you remember to pee!

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed! And some super special baby dust. I'm praying for two lines!


Monica Fayth said...

Your chart still looks good, though, even without the shift. I really hope this is it for ya. You deserve it

jenn said...

good luck tomorrow! I've got it all crossed for you too!