Monday, January 14, 2008

I'm having a WTF moment.....

I have no idea when I O'd. I am 99% sure I already have given my follies were between 18 and 19mm on Wednesday with my u/s, I had the beginnings of EWCM, and I triggered on Thursday night. All of this would indicate Oing by Saturday evening (which is what we were hoping for since my IUI was Saturday morning), right? However, my temps are not reflecting that AT ALL. Yes, on Sunday morning my temps went into the beginnings of my normal post O range of 97.95(yay, it all worked out like it was supposed too)....but today, when I expected them to be at least above 98.00 they dropped back down to 97.69....WTF?!?! In lieu of this I made DH BD this morning just in case, but by the amount of leakage I had (sorry TMI) I am pretty darn sure my cervix is very closed. Sidenote: I have this theory that if your cervix is more open, such as around ovulation, the leakage won't be as bad because there is an easy place for all the swimmers to go. However, if your cervix is very closed it's like running into a brick wall and more fall out.

nyways, I am thoroughly confused as of today but of course I think it could be a few things....

1.) The temp today is completely wrong. I actually woke up at 4:00 this morning because the dog decided to jump in the bed and I never really fell back asleep. I just tossed and turned until the alarm went off at 6:15. Plus around that same time I was super hot so I didn't get back under the covers. (I would much prefer this option) **clarification: I didn't actually temp at 4:00 (which I know would throw it off) I temped at my normal time.

2.) I actually haven't O'd yet (Good God that would suck and you best believe I would be demanding a refund for my IUI)

3.) I did O on Saturday and my P really sucks or is taking a little bit build up. This might be plausible, but on the flip side I had three eggs so it wouldn't make sense for me to have low P since I have never had that problem before.

4.) The trigger didn't make me O, and since I haven't had an u/s since Wednesday no one knows. Let me explain this one for a minute. My protocol had me using Novarel for the big deal, it's what I used last time BUT last time I did it IM. This time the directions from the pharm (assumingly from my doc) said to take SubQ although the actual box of medication says "for intramuscular use only". I called my nurse to double check the directions from the pharmacy to make sure they were right and she goes "go ahead and take it like it says, we always do Novarel subQ". However, I find this odd because most of the information you find on Novarel says it's an IM administration. I am still a bit uneasy about this, and am wondering if I was given the wrong form of Novarel.

5.) Lastly, I O'd before the IUI like FF says I did. You can check it out here if you want. Now, I always discard the temp the morning after my trigger because of course my temp is going to go up and look like an artificial O, however if I don't discard it I get CL's that day but without it I don't get any CL's at all, even on the day of my IUI (I played around with future temps this morning to see what it did).

Any opinions out there? Anyone? I know not many people read my blog....but any help would be appreciated =/


Monica Fayth said...

my guess is that it's either number one where today's temp is off b/c of the early morning dog time OR it's just a fall back temp. Either way, I say give it a day or two before you freak out too much

K @ ourboxofrain said...

I completely agree with Monica. I hope it doesn't come off as passing the buck, but I agree that it's most likely an aberrant temp today or a fall back. I was all about the fall backs this month.

KatieM said...

I sure hope it's one hell of a fall back...followed by a rise.... I will gladly follow in your fallback footsteps K ;-)

Jen said...

I'm all for #1 too. And the important thing is the overall trend so another day or 2 or data will definitely help.

Lauren said...

Hi Katie--Jennifer directed me to your blog, as I'm in just about the same boat you are, as far as having an IUI on Saturday, then having wacky temps. I'm still fairly early in the game, so I don't know exactly what is going on with me. The people who've given me some encouragement and guidance on my blog have said the same thing these girls are saying--just give it time and see what tomorrow's temps look like. I'm clinging to that, and hopefully we'll both see better temps tomororw!

HereWeGoAJen said...

I would vote for messed up temp today. See what tomorrow is and maybe that will give you more of an idea.