Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Two things....

One, I was so sad this morning that I forgot to say thank you for all the birthday wishes, messages, cards, etc....I greatly appreciate it. I like birthdays in general, but birthdays in the life of an infertile can really thanks all for being there. =) On the bright side, my melt down was today and NOT yesterday, hahaha.

Two, I have a love/hate relationship with the chart gallery on FF. I always turn to the gallery to search pregnancy charts with things that resemble my cycle and my favorite one to search is "Neg. HPT before Pos. HPT" because of course it gives me hope to see people who have BFN's at 10 or 11dpo and end up getting BFP's at 12 or 13dpo....HOWEVER, parading through the chart gallery always makes me look at the stats of everyone who has submitted a chart there...very rarely will you see an infertile in the mix (although today I did see someone who got a BFP after 55 cycles....whoa). Usually you will see people who try between 3-12 months and boom, get to post their chart and today I came across a chart that was TTC for 1 month AND (this is my favorite part) had sex ONE time a few days before O happened. I'm not sure why this surprises me because that is how things are "supposed" to happen right?!? ::eyeroll:: But in my bitter moment right now I want to give a big F-You to all the fertiles in FF's chart gallery.....Thank you, that is all.


HereWeGoAJen said...

I haven't looked at the charts online yet. I'm trying to avoid it because it is just something else for me to spend time online doing.

nancy said...

heh. Ahhh. The chart galleries.

One thing I ALWAYS add to the "negative before positive hpt" search is "Using OPKs"

I am amazed at how many women have their O date totally wrong! And then they think that they tested on 13dpo and got a negative only to get a postive on 16dpo, when in actuality, their negative was at 8dpo and their positive 11dpo. Idiots.

I think FF should either approve every chart going into the gallery to make sure the person isn't an idiot OR not allow any chart with data that someone had to click on "override".

It's really a pet peeve of mine.

Aimee said...

Kat, I am so sorry about your BFN! That really sucks.

FWIW, I stopped looking at the "neg hpt before pos hpt" charts on FF when I found a result that included my chemical pregnancy chart. Still trying to figure out how to take it down (FF doesn't do it automatically). Who knows how many of those "neg hpt before pos hpt" include early miscarriages.

Lauren said...

Sorry for the frustrations. My husband and I were just saying tonight, how in the world are there all these "accidents" and "oh, wow, I'm pregnant already"s? Who knows why it's easier for some than for others. I have full confidence that you (and the other ladies who are on these blogs) will have babies one day, one way or another, charts be damned!

Brianna said...

LOL, I am sitting here chuckling at your message to all the fertiles!! Please know that if it doesn't happen this month, it will happen! You were able to get pg before and you will again.

jenn said...

I'm so sorry about the BFN- but the FF chart gallery is EVIL!!!

And speaking as someone who has had some beautiful perfect charts- it sucks to browse so many like your own that end up with a BFP. I do always look for the 'stats' & I find myself shaking my head. Me- at 15 cycles. you know it's bad then!