Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Just step away....

and that is what I am going to do for a moment.....step away from TTC thoughts because they are making my head hurt, so I can announce that I officially withdrew from my Master's program today. After a few months of debating about what to do, I finally did it. Once I actually got into this whole online thing I realized it isn't the way I want to learn (and actually I'm not sure I am learning as well). Plus, I'm not 100% sure this is what I want to do. Science is my passion, and always will be.....I will figure it out eventually. Maybe I can have twins and be a SAHM who goes back to finish her degree between feeds ;-)


HereWeGoAJen said...

I'm glad you chose to make yourself happy! You will figure out exactly what you want to do.

KatieM said...
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