Monday, March 10, 2008

You might be infertile if.....

You might be infertile if....

...You've had dye and/or saline injected into your uterus.

....Your husband actually knows what EWCM stands for and asks if you have any.

.....Your husband and the sterile cup have become good friends.

...Your preferred method of sperm/embryo delivery is a catheter through your cervix.

....You've had more than 3 appts a week with the love wand. Actually, you might be infertile if using the phrase "love wand" in conversation is normal, and you are not referring to anything resembling "The Rabbit".

....You get excited over the size of your eggs, and better yet....if there is more than one!

.....You actually get excited over injections, and think the Follistim (or Gonal-F) pen is one kickass tool.

....Anyone at the RE's office knows you by name.

So, what do you think? Ring a bell? ;-) Feel free to add your own in the comments section! =D


HereWeGoAJen said...

I am highly amused!

Mrslady1975 said...

You know you're infertile when you say "so I have an appointment with dildo cam but I want to pee on a stick first" and your DH knows exactly what you are saying.

MissNoAngel (find me on Twitter) said...

ROFL...Ohhhh yes. I think ALL of those ring true for me. ::sigh:: How about "If you would actually consider allowing someone to punch holes in your vagina if it meant it might give you a CHANCE at having a baby?" lol

Jen said...


Anonymous said...

You know you are infertile when you have so many puncture holes in your arms from estradiols and progesterone checks you look like a junky...

You look forward to the side effects of your pills/shots because it gives you a shot at this month...

You have no problem carrying your DH's sample to the lab without a bag, or in your jacket to keep it warm...


s.e. said...

It's official. I am infertile. Every "if..." applies to me. Thanks for the smiles!

Steph said...

I get way too excited about the size and amount of my eggs.

Last weeks sonogram showed a 21mm and a 17 mm and I was elated all day. Such a nerd.

Thanks for making me laugh!

Dr. Grumbles said...


My husband refuses to hear any updates on the CM front! He just asks how "all the signs" are pointing.

nancy said...

a whole work week without a new blog from you? Really?