Thursday, May 22, 2008

Oh how sad.....

I just heard that Ste.ven Cur.tis's (famous Christian singer) five year old daughter died at the hospital after his teenage son accidentally backed over her with the car =( I can't even imagine.....such pain, such hurt, such guilt.....

I actually had a friend who was backed over by her Dad like that once. They lived on a huge hill and he forgot the parking break on the truck and when she went around to get the groceries out of the back, it started to roll and rolled over her. She was about 20 at the time, and was severely injured...I can't even imagine that impact on a child.


HereWeGoAJen said...

I heard about that too this morning. How awful! The same thing happened in the town I used to live in and two little girls died. That is why I always wait three seconds before I back my car up.

MissNoAngel (find me on Twitter) said...

That's just terrifying. =( It's funny that you mentioned that because my mom just called me from Costco to tell me how freaked out she was that two little kids ran right behind her huge SUV right as she was about to back out.

Catie said...

I couldn't even imagine... that's just too darn scary to even think about.