I should probably put this as a poll, but oh well....I have a sex question for everyone. How often do you and DH/DP/BF or whatever have sex per week? For those who have known me a little bit, you know that this is always an issue at my house.....I personally feel like DH and I don't FD enough. Sure, he is always saying he thinks I'm hot or sexy and such, but he never "acts" on those words. I'm not saying he doesn't mean them, I'm sure he does, it's just that it doesn't seem like I really turn him on like I should. I dunno, I was just curious about the activity in everyone else's household.....
Oh, and to answer my own question....DH and I have sex about 3 times a month =/
OK, you've so hit on the ongoing, neverending discussion in my household. We used to be at an average of 4x a month. Since I've become more observant (religious-wise) recently, we abstain for the first 12 days of my cycle and then the goal is for at least once a day for the rest of the cycle. Reality-wise, we're at 0 for the first 12 days, then 4-5x per week for the rest of the cycle.
I feel ya, that's an issue in our home as well. Its a bit differnt for us because DH has health problems - but he has had those health problems since I met him and it has gone from every day (when we first met 6 years ago) now down to about 3 or 4 X a month.
Sorry Kat. I really dont know what to say as DBF and I have a ver healthy sex life. I kept waiting for the day that we would just stop or slow down at least but we never did. We probally DTD 6 to 8 times per week. I know this has been an on going issue foryou and truly some men just aren't as into "it" as others. Good luck with this.
I would say that three times per month isn't that ridiculous. That is like once a week with a week off for unavailability.
We used to maybe 4-5 times per month. Since you know what, NEVER since we both have post traumatic stress disorder from last time's unfortunate timing.
We used to about 1-2 times a week but since about 32 weeks my husband has cut me off. He is worried I will go into labour early and he is kind of weirded out about the whole thing now that I'm so big - it sucks!!
It depends on our stress levels. During a stressful month, we'll only have sex a couple of times - around possible O of course - and during a good month, we'll have sex about 6-8 times. It just depends. And honestly, the increase in the amount has been in direct relation to stopping fertility treatments.
I am a really bad estimator, so I checked my charts and got an accurate number for your survey. We average once every 4.44 days.
There's nothing wrong with three times a month. I don't think it matters if you have sex twice a day or once a year as long as both people are happy with the arrangement.
If your frequency bothers you because you need more intimacy or because you think there's a larger issue at work, then that's worth looking into, but if it bothers you just because you think it's low compared to other people, you shouldn't worry about it; like Em said, some people just have a lower drive.
I'm a lurker but had to answer this one, as I consider myself a sex-pert lol. My hubby & I average 3-4 times a week. Good weeks are 6+ times and bad(stressful) weeks are 1-2 times. We've always been very compatible that way(been together 9 years). I agree that the quantity doesn't matter as long as the quality is good and both partners are satisfied. There is a solution if you just have a higher drive than hubby...
Before TTC, we were always weekend warriors (1-2 times during weekends only ... so only about 6 times a month usually). After TTC, we got up to 4 times a week - then realized it wasn't helping and it made the sex a chore. Now we are weekend warrior unless O is possible - then it is me begging and us maybe getting it on 3 times that week.
Wow. My life sure sounds wild and enviable.
I have to weigh in also! Before ttc we were at a pitiful 2-3x a month average (not to make you feel bad about your 3x a month- this was down from at least 2x a week) TTC has actually improved our frequency of sex to about 5-7x a month. Some months are better, some months we're lucky if we hit around O. Stress has so much to do with it- when he's stressed & tired, it's just not happening!
We have the same issue in my house and I feel the same as you do. DH is always flirting with me and fondling me in passing, but when it comes to fding, it's a rare, rare thing. Once a week if I'm lucky - usually more like twice a month. Unless of course we're counting bding, which doesn't count IMO.
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