Sunday, October 28, 2007

I'm losing weight...

I got on the scale this morning...119.6...Holy Crap! The day before I found out I was pregnant I was 122.5 at my doc's office, two weeks later I was 120.7, and now, two weeks after that I'm 119.6. Now here is why this seems a bit odd for me: Number one, I realize that this isn't A LOT of weight however to lose one pound of fat, one must burn 3500 more calories than they eat....thats alot of calories and so far I've burned 10,500 more calories than I've eaten the past 4 weeks, Two: I realize I have been under a lot of stress lately with work, school and the m/c situation and that some people stop eating when they are stressed...yeah, NOT me! I'm very much a stress eater and tend to munch a lot when I have a lot of things going on and going back to point one, it doesn't make any sense I'm burning more than I eat when I feel like Im eating more than normal.

I do, however, have a theory about why I'm losing weight and I want to see if this makes sense to anyone else: My body still thinks I'm pregnant, and because I haven't actually started to m/c my hCG levels are still elevated enough to keep me that way. Now, pregnant women are reccomended to eat 300-500 calories more a day than "normal" to help nurish the embie, keep good blood flow, etc, etc. Now although I know I dont have a baby in my uterus, my body has no idea because it is getting a hormonal signal that such baby exists. In turn, my metabolism is still slightly kicked up because my body *thinks* I need to support the existance in my uterus. However, I am not purposely eating more than "normal" because I don't need to as there is nothing there so I am losing those extra 300-500 calories a day without trying. Does this make sense to anyone else or do I overthink things way too much? LoL



Jen said...

Somebody's a science nerd...LOL! You're theory sounds plausible. It could also just be fluctuations in water retention as your weight can change by a few pounds just due to that. Who knows. The only thing I know is that I'd love to be 120lbs!!!

nancy said...

Damn. I forgot about your blog. It's in my list now.

I think your body is just stressed. The extra calories a pregnant women needs isn't because we are burning said calories - it's because it's going into something else. I'm sure it will all work out. In the meantime - I'll lose that weight for you, okay?

KatieM said...

Woo-Hoo...two people know about my blog now, LoL! Yay!!