Monday, August 11, 2008

Too pissed for details, but....

Here's the gist....

~Work pushed me over the edge today
~Left shortly after morning meeting saying I wasn't feeling well...real reason, If I didn't leave I would have quit right then and there.
~Re-enrolled in community college for the fall (two online psych classes) simply to defer my school loan payment because....
~Actively looking for a job (even if it's slightly less pay)....can't wait 15 more weeks. Sending out my resume and PRAYING a company will be willing to hire someone who is almost 6 months pregnant and politely ask to be given 6 weeks post-partum, even though the law doesn't force them too.
~Best case scenerio to to find a job within another department of my current company so I can keep my FMLA.

Will update as things progress.


HereWeGoAJen said...

Blech. I hope it works out for you!

Kelly said...

What the heck?!! Don't they know not to piss off the pregnant lady? Your job sucks!! Do you want to come to MN to work? I'll offer you a job:)

chicklet said...

I soooo get that feeling. Hopefully something works out for you.

Dr. Grumbles said...

hope it gets better!