Thursday, December 10, 2009

I miss me.

I miss being a person with energy, I miss being the person who went to the gym 5 days a week, I miss being the person who didn't need coffee to simply function or who didn't fall asleep at stoplights, I miss a normal hour'd job, I miss making dinner, I miss my clean house...not that I miss cleaning it per say but I feel guilty for how it looks 80% of the time now, I miss the sparkle in my eye, I miss being a wife, I miss being healthy, did I mention I miss having all seems to boil down to that.

I'm just not me....the me I know I can be, the me I remember. I've been worn-out since May and very worn out since August....I've been sick....sometimes I really worry about that, but I would never let Thomas know it. I've been checked out....on here, in life, just in general.

Maybe winter break from school will give me a chance to re-coup......


Jen said...

Hey sweetie, I know you have a lot on your plate, and I know you're a Type A who can't help but take on responsibility after responsibility. But please take a breather if you have to. Stress can really take a toll on your health, and staying healthy is the most important thing for you and your family. Hang in there.

Misty Dawn said...

I hope you get some rest soon Katie, we miss you too!

jenn said...

I know I am late to getting comments out- but I hope things are settling down & you are able to relax & take care of you for a bit!