Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I was nominated by Megan for the Mood Swings and Addictions award. Rules: post your 5 addictions and then nominate people....easy enough right? I would like to thank Megan for the opportunity to post more about myself ;-)

1.) Candy: Specifically twizzlers, starbursts and gummi worms or bears. Apparently it amazes my husband how much of these I can consume at times. When we were first dating we drove up to see his family in Richmond and on the way there we stopped at a gas station. I of course got a pack of starbursts. About 20 minutes later I laid my trash in the floor and Thomas goes "You finished ALL of those already?!?!" Nowadays he knows if he needs to "make-up" to me, surprise candy usually gets him back on the good side.

2.) TV Crime dramas: NCIS and Criminal Minds specifically....LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them. In another life I would love to be a part of the "BAU".

3.) Taking pictures of my son: Self-explanatory....honestly I can't get enough of the child right now.

4.) Japanese's my favorite. Rice should be it's own food group in my opinion....yes I know it is part of a food group, but lets not get technical here, you know what I mean. In other words....I love rice....and all the yummy oriental flavors.

5.) Brushing my teeth: I simply cannot stand that "feeling" of dirty teeth. YUCK.

So, there ya go....and for my nominations I'm cheating a bit and opening it to everyone who wants to share a little more about themselves on their blog =)

Thursday, December 17, 2009


You know you are a mom when your child starts puking in the grocery store and you catch it your hands.

Needless to say, Cullen is a bit under the weather right now. =( I thought the reason he wasn't eating was b/c of his teeth since his molars are coming in, however it must be a little more than that. Let's hope it is a 24 hour bug. Thomas is stopping and getting some pedialyte on the way home from work....fighting the crazies none the less bc we are expecting about a foot of snow this weekend.

Oh, and on a good final exam was today! Yippee! No more school until the middle of Jan. Now maybe I can get some christmas decorations up.......

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I miss me.

I miss being a person with energy, I miss being the person who went to the gym 5 days a week, I miss being the person who didn't need coffee to simply function or who didn't fall asleep at stoplights, I miss a normal hour'd job, I miss making dinner, I miss my clean house...not that I miss cleaning it per say but I feel guilty for how it looks 80% of the time now, I miss the sparkle in my eye, I miss being a wife, I miss being healthy, did I mention I miss having all seems to boil down to that.

I'm just not me....the me I know I can be, the me I remember. I've been worn-out since May and very worn out since August....I've been sick....sometimes I really worry about that, but I would never let Thomas know it. I've been checked out....on here, in life, just in general.

Maybe winter break from school will give me a chance to re-coup......